Press Release by the subclinical environmental search
Clinical Environmental Epidemiology in the News
The 3 Es: Electromagnetic Spectrum: Ecology and Environment
14-24 February 2016, Tel-Aviv University, Israel. Outside the lab and environmental ecology study at the university extensive EMF EMR RF radiation surveys were conducted in select coastal urban, suburban and desert areas across Israel over a 10 day period. Findings and report by J Dumanov Spectral Analytical Sciences (SAS) of the subClinical Research Group US UK EU and SAS electraEMF After having obtained permits in advance from the Israeli embassy to bring advanced electronic instruments into the country for EMF EMR spectrum. Survey planning was scheduled in advanced for selected areas. Having previously conducted EMF surveys in the interest of humans and life in the environment with Spectral Analytical Sciences in North America, including Mexico and Canada, in the UK, and every state of the European Union, eastern Europe, the Baltic, Russia, Mediterranean and middle east SAS has possibly identified the land where the iterations of EMF are best managed, applied and practically safe in all areas. Findings and conclusions:

During the coastal survey in Tel Aviv met Seinfeld’s producer Larry David on a bright sunny day. “We shared a cup of coffee and talked about the show.” En route to Jerusalem also found America’s famous musician Elvis Presley still alive and in spirit at the American diner.
“Yes, coffee and bagel was had with the Elvis at his America Diner.”
Tel Aviv is a technology center and for such it was expected to be an interesting occupational exposure study for elements and fields of the electromagnetic spectrum. All areas that were investigated were highly secured but permission was granted to survey by security for potentially active EMF spectrum areas or similar areas of interest where non-ionizing radiation may have been generated or present.
After completing the investigations, study and review, Spectral concludes that for Haifa, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Rehovot, Netanya, Ein Gedi and other locations surveyed from the cites, suburbs and desert Mediterranean down to lowest land levels at the Dead Sea to and up to Masada plateau (total of 80 areas) the entire EMF spectrum in all its iterations and radiance expressed projected from the many technical applications were identified to be well regulated and identified to be the safest in toto of any of the countries and states surveyed as of this date