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Ask for NYC or state licensing especially when having been effected by EMF radiation. Amateur EMF certificates are not licenses nor recognized by any state and especially not for New York City due to lacking bona fide qualifications for conducting EMF needed electronic technical corrections and repairs that lawful licensing qualifies and permits. Such reports are not competent for high order legal reporting-we have seen and dismissed them in NYC and NJ courts. There is no comparison to meeting and working with our scientists and IBEW engineers from NYC RCA and Princeton NJ Sarnoff institute that have over 35 years of the most advanced experience and services for EMF EMI 4-5-6 G & AI. We are technical, clinical and legally integrated for our services in the NYC NJ NY CT PA DE and greater metro area. We are not a competitive practice with recent overnight amateur meter readers such as (falsely claims engineering degree and NYC licensing) having no bona fide credentials required and routinely fail to identify the concealed causes of risk exposure nor are able to perform the necessary service, repairs and corrections to eliminate high EMF EMR RF 4-5 G present. We recently dismissed their sham reports in the NYC courts (Hartman Case) and for others in NJ. Protect your professional reputation. Read everything here: call-speak to an experienced (2,000 cases in 35+years) fully licensed expert for any of your needs. Free consultation with electraEMF lawyers and legal counsel for any possible EMF related injuries.

Our NYC and tri-state (NJ, CT, DE) experts protect you the consumer and permits us to perform the necessary diagnostics, troubleshooting, services and often at no cost to repair and correct the cause of risk exposure due to electromagnetic fields and electron emissions. Our investigations and studies for our practice allows for all the lawful contractual, civil tort, and threat reporting by our court certified expert witnesses. Our lawyers and legal counselors will provide guidance for any contractual issues and matters in tort or security related..

electraEMF ™ We have been America’s leading standard for over 20 years (many sites began to copy us over the past 10 years) for this highly technical and critical professional practice to protect you, your health safety and professional reputation required for any contracted services. For 4 and 5G new installations pending we highly recommend our initial baseline study and a post installation exposure assessment with our highly specialized health risk and safety exposure studies. After we determine there exists a health or safety risk our reports have completed and submitted with following depositions they surrendered and were forced to make corrections based upon our expert testimony. We have conducted hundreds for numerous Manhattan, Queens, Nassau, Brooklyn, Jersey City, Weehawken and other areas for residential and office buildings, schools, homes, offices industry clients patients including physicians LCSW real estate agents attorneys builders architects medical municipal state federal and corporate offices. Call now.

NOTICE: For IBEW Engineers Electronics Communications Power Utilities Industry and NY NJ CT DE PA State Electrical Licensing Agencies

Our RCA NYC and Sarnoff Institute Princeton NJ, IBEW Electronics and Communications & Engineering Technologists and lawyers are published clinical medical EMF exposure experts and must make you aware as we know you know every EMF report you obtain is a critical technical, health, safety and legal document. Professionals and experts are licensed. Do not be deceived or misled by amateurs with clearly sham certificates as some of have been by recent elaborate NY NJ EMF websites charging licensed fees while none of these have necessary knowledge or experience required ,

or the authority to touch wiring, and circuits to perform the necessary remedies because they are not engineers nor poses the mandatory state or city license for this critical technical, health and safety high order legal practice. We have been called by engineers, clients, patients, buyers, sellers, property managers and attorneys having been deceived by them and received nothing but disinformation and catalogs of EMF gadgets that they sell and the seller refers them. They cite their unaccredited certificates that have no state, academic or legal supporting authority that are given to anyone. Meter readers refer you to building bio sites that do not understand the requirements for this practice. Building bio type sites also misunderstand and misrepresent EMF risks exposure having non of the critical technical or clinical medical risk authorities or relevant exposure information necessary to perform their claimed activity. We are court certified experts as technical, clinical-medical toxicologist and integrated oncologists, for the courts and consumer protection agencies in NY, NJ, PA, and CT.

There are highly complex fields of the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) especially in many of the high rise buildings we have identified in NYC. These fields are not easily detected by the common meters nor recognized or understood by any of the sham amateur EMF certificate consultants recently appearing such as Elexana that clearly lack the necessary clinical-medical integrations and the technical engineering experiebce or knowledge required to identify such complex fields as it is beyond their limited scope of knowledge and lacking the professional experience as for one of our recent case binary EMS 6 G case diagnosis involving Multiple Sclerosis and other affecting a patient with Tay Sachs.


We are medically published EMF technical, clinical-medical scientists (toxicology, immunology and oncology) and electronic engineers for EMF EMR RFR EMI exposure and interference testing is a highly technical integrated multidisciplinary practice for which we are clinically, medically, academically and scientifically experienced epidemiologists. For New Jersey and New York’s IBEW and the tri-state’s licensed electronics and communications engineering technologists for all electronic systems for over 20 years. As court expert witnesses for such with advanced 20+ years of integrated experience. For this highly specialized practice including IT communications, Cisco network systems and security, cellular and 6-G AI systems. All our high order EMF EMR EMI EMS studies are conducted by the EMF Medical Professor of Spectral Analytical Sciences that fully outlines EMF EMI 4-5G exposure risk assessment.


Agents, trustees, buyers and sellers. For your knowledge regarding all EMR EMR RFR EMI and other elements of the EMS (Electromagnetic Spectrum) we will tell you that the New York City and the New Jersey metropolitan areas are some of the world’s best property managed areas for safe and healthy building environments for residents because licensing is mandatory throughout the tri-state area for such services but at times for many reasons risk levels become present. Speak to our Certified Clinical Industrial Hygienists EMF Medical scientist expert before making any decision for the retaining any critical services.


elrctraEMF’s medical integrations are necessary for exposure diagnostics and experience are included in our practice. As court certified experts for EMF EMI RF communications, network, cellular and irrelevant findings that are unrecognized by any others. Recently having identified neurotropic effects of 6-G AI in many of the newer constructions these AI sources known as Artificial Intelligence Systems. All our advanced critical EMF EMR EMI EMS studies are conducted at your request by the EMF Medical Professor of Spectral Analytical Sciences.

EMF EMR EMI Does Interfere with Medical Implant Devices

Besides unknown to all, a SINGLE exposure may initiate cancer. Electromagnetic Interference is well recognized to affect some of the most important electrical systems. Although most are shielded many electronic circuits are effected by radiating electron interference. The most affected being with heart pacemakers of highest concern. Having studied many homes, school districts, offices, businesses, medical facilities, foreign embassies, power generators,multimedia studios, TV & radio stations, police stations, court rooms where occupants have such devices with many having very high levels of Electromagnetic Interference (We protect your privacy and reputations and do not disclose the names of our clients and locations except if already public as news published).


We do not wish to disparage anyone anyone but it is our duty to caution you of fake engineers reported in NY NJ & CT our area from the same family members as recently reported overnight meter readers, imitating our desktop Spectral Analytical Sciences website. Many people as ourselves have been victims of incompetence, fraud, theft and deception over time in many areas of services and we as court appointed public safety advocates do not tolerate such. We are NJ Superior and NY Supreme Court appointed civil and protection advocates and would be pleased to assist to bring any deceptive actors in court to protect you and the public that has been exposed to such activity. There are many in the public unknowingly have been misled, defamed and embarrassed including the engineer that requested our help after having had their misleading report dismissed.

Caveat Emptor. Many unknowingly have been deceived. On 11/24/20 an attorney for a Chelsea Manhattan (ELEXANA) client called us after meter reader told them that their home was dangerous forcing them to leave. We were asked by their engineers, property owners and attorneys for the management company to review the meter readers report, improper instruments used, failed methodologies and noted numerous critical and highly material errors and omissions we identified. We were ask to perform an exposure study. Our professional team performed a study and identified no risks present and allowed the owners to return. It is unfortunate there are some that have used meter readers that do not know what they received.

In another local case a Westchester county client/victim paid a large professional fee to a unknown meter reader and never received her report and she still had a electro-technical problem, called us. We identified the cause unrecognizable by others, due to our experience we immediately identified the cause and were able to remedy it on site at no fee. We work with and for the courts. If you have been a victim of any such deceptive practices call them back and demand their full identification and their licenses and consult an attorney for possible complaints with local, city, and state consumers protection agencies and services for refund or lawsuit. If you have been a victim of such deception contact us as we are also tri-state court appointed officers as public safety advocates and will act on your behalf pro bono publico. If you call us and we determine that there has been fraud and deception we will testify on your behalf at no fee for any licensing misrepresentation, any sham EMF or related report, that involves worthless sales or pecuniary loss, physical injury or contractual interference such as a loss in leasing related to contractual interference and initiate court action on your behalf. As public civil rights advocates we are available to testify for you as either plaintiff or defendant for such matters.


Our NYC and tri-state New York licensed engineers of electraEMF post signs in areas where exposure levels exist after our exposure studies. Typically you will see communication installations on rooftops normally have signs. If there are no signs call us to perform a safety check and have our engineer install such signs based upon our risk assessment as required. If your location is of interest or concern or if you have questions you may call us for further guidance and free consultations.


Caveat Emptor: If you intend to build, purchase or rent a new office, home, apartment or have a EMF exposure health concern we are here for you as such experts. One recent frightening case involved a misinformed amateur “EMF consultant” stating an apartment unit in a new building (rented by two nurses) was safe in Staten Island. The nurses were still experiencing distress called us. Upon our investigation it was the most elevated exposure ever identified risk fields 60 times the limit. The lease was terminated and It was vacated immediately upon our detailed report. In another case involved a young mother expecting a second child in Jersey City was terrorized by a consultant telling her she was at high risk. The frightened mom called us and provided us an excessively wordy report from that EMF consultant falsely claiming to be a licensed electronics engineer for which she paid a high licensed professional fee and it was clear that there were no necessary state and industry licensing qualifications associated with it. Recognizing her distress we conducted a full EMF spectrum study of her home(she having exhausted her budget we conducted at no fee) found absolutely no risk present at any level. We identified from the report the non licensed amateur. We have now fulfilled our legal obligation to alert the public.


Do not damage or ruin your reputation or career using non licensed “consultants” that are deceiving professionals. They have fancy websites, make false claiming it be the world’s leader in EMF / EMI testing based on overnight training from what are clearly incompetent EMF certificate mills that anyone may obtain. Can you imagine buying a butter knife taking a overnight class then becoming a surgeon? They have no engineering degrees, no NYC or state licensing, no experience (changing light bulbs or reading NYC parking meters does not qualify) having appeared in the last 2 years (mimicking our site). In your best interest ask them about their education, licensing and how long they have been performing such. We have dismissed their “reports” in court when lawsuit was filed because of their sham activities.


On our clinical medical side, our doctors have diagnosed numerous cases of neurological disorders affecting sleep, depression, anxiety of undiagnosed etiology. Our EMF doctor knows precisely how and when exposure levels are present and has seen EMF related cancer cases, osteosarcoma, multiple sclerosis, Tay-Sachs (the IDT related ) Lyme, and neuroblastoma patients are most affected. Tragically we have seen numerous cases involving Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Down Syndrome and birth abnormalities identified and news reported being in clusters in the tri-state areas.


Our IBEW NYC and State licensed engineers are 5 G technical and medical experts. EMR radiant 4-5 G risk assessment is highly complex covering frequency range 1 (F-II) that is from 450 MHz to 6 GHz and (F-II) from 24.25 GHz to 52.6 GHz. This highly complex risk exposure testing requires our licensed experts that are medically integrated that recognize exposure employing the sC-Ve diagnostics for their potential health effects. We now include 6-G AI are present as new exposure for select patients we recently identified and diagnosed in Hartford. For your safety, and for the health diagnostic the identification of highly relevant sources of Low Frequency EMF and High to Ultra High F EMI 5G that in some cases at given levels is causing neurophysiological disorders, birth abnormalities,systemic disease and yes we have diagnosed the cancers . With 20 years of case study we recognize New York City has some of the most complex sources that rarely exist in suburbia consisting of fields and levels that are clearly not understood or recognized by any anyone you call-period. Why? They are improperly and uneducated, do not have the experience, they are not medically scientifically integrated, lack any of the knowledge that is required and have no lawful authority for their activities. Our focus is risk exposure for clients, patient interests and for those that have critical underlying health conditions. For such call us for a initial clinical diagnostic discussion for related health cases. We are not amateur meter readers and do not accept all cases. Our priority is family health and most importantly and involving assuring a safe environment for the most vulnerable, children.


We have seen tragic effects on health. Some of our clients and patients at times are under the belief that EMF risk assessment is simple and trivial and anyone with a meter will do it. You will by this information presented here now know it is about your health, life and property investment and you will need not look elsewhere.

There are more than ten EMF related force fields that effect human health that are not recognized or understood that are outlined and explained by the EMF medical professor JMD.

Our advanced clinically integrated EMF testing is first and foremost about you, and your family’s health and safety by the most experienced risk analysts available.


As highly technical, legal, medical EMF exposure experts for all of our written reported findings, we clearly outline causation and the remediation solutions. Often remedying and making corrections on site. Understand EMF cloths and filters are wrongfully represented, in fact often increase exposure risk. Our practices are fully legal in the event your health has been effected or you must break a lease or a contract as lawful authorities for such matters and will testify in court for you as such as having done so in many cases. Our legal authority is critically important in cases of risk exposure when you must vacate immediately. Without license, meter reader sham certificate holders have no authority to direct occupants to vacate as their reports will be easily rebutted by our experts, disregarded by attorneys or dismissed by courts of law. Ask your attorney, they will tell you non-licensed EMF meter readers may in fact be sued for their misrepresentations for resulting contractual and associate pecuniary loss, causing distress, damages, electric shock injury or death.


Our State Licensed Engineers routinely remedy the causes of EMF fields health effects often identified in the home, the office, commercial or the electrical utility power, communications industrial environment. We work with your IBEW Locals or licensed city – state engineers and electricians for cost effective remedies.

Why the headache, why the weakness, why the dizziness? Feel better when you get home? As medical experts (allergy, immunology, toxicology, and related oncology) we routinely diagnose and identify material and critical exposure health risk factors in the workplace unknown and unrecognized. For such have Human Resources Department or executive management contact us. After our services we routinely provide at no cost full EMF technical solutions also unknown to inexperienced EMF amateurs with remedies for all at risk properties. For our related services will also provide remediation practices at the time of our on-site investigations, inspection and surveys. NOTE: The sales of Faraday cages, nets, cloths, filters etc. are clearly misunderstood and misrepresented. Technical remediation is available on a case by case basis for select at risk environments as determined based upon our studies and reports. With our decades of integrated technical, medical and legal experience we will provide practical guidance for you and/or your attorney for litigation if and when necessary when involving third parties in matters matters relating to causation.


Home owners in suburban Hudson River Valley including Putnam, Ulster, Westchester, and Long Island, Staten Island, and throughout the tri-state areas are seeing an increase of solar power installations. Solar systems convert photons (light) to electron DC flow that is converted to AC and for some specialized applications to charging automobiles and for some DC home use. Our risk exposure studies have identified numerous sites that required our licensed engineers to provide reports for redesigning solar power installations on homes in NY, NJ, CT and DE.


Many of our clients/patients are pediatricians and oncologists – Yes, they know as our doctors know. Our extensive EMF exposure medical diagnostic epidemiological experience (oncological) that we have obtained for over decades has given us very specialized knowledge regarding health risk exposure. As peer reviewed published we often times give patients and their physicians very critical, life altering diagnostic information to severely and terminally ill leading to recovery (yes, that of MDs also). If you have been injured, visually impaired or so many other ways effected and having required medical attention we are the only ones to call as court certified experts. For such cases we may as warranted will write a forensic report, be deposed or participate in a “de bene esse” for any possible legal action. We have been deposed numerous times overs 20 years. Extensive C.V. available for forensic/legal matters- Ask.


We are legal experts for exposure. If you are a trustee, landlord, property manager or attorney, and receive an occupant’s report resulting in EMF fear or a highly questionable piece of paper produced by non-licensed, supra “consultant” you may contact us for no cost overview. All reports we have seen by lay EMF consultants so far reviewed have been dismissed at nearly every technical, clinical-medical and legal evidentiary level.


Our EMF technical, medical and legal expert was invited by REMAX Realty for a informative OX Radio interview about electromagnetic, and cellular 4-5G communications in regards to real property and potential health effects. January 2022, REMAX interviews NYC and state licensed EMF EMR RF experts.


Hang up if not licensed. Protect your reputation. Corporate manager was recently terminated for employing NYC local smooth market talking non licensed meter reader with large impressive website that frightened company employees when no problem existed. If you have corporate leadership responsibility speak with our licensed EMF medical-technical-legal experts for more information. Understand that your corporation and career is clearly at risk from such sham consultants, and their referral associates. If you have any occupational, business, employee health or EMF exposure questions, you or have your human resources manager contact us for an initial free confidential consultation.


If you are considering a new home, apartment or office and have any EMF RF 2-3-4-5G concern it is suggested that you review your observation with our experts for a possible appointment for risk exposure investigation by our fully licensed advanced EMF electronic technical services, and medical experts. We only accept select cases where we believe that there may be a possible exposure risk or you have a medical condition such the cancers, neuropathic or immune disorders. We will not try or offer to sell you any unnecessary electrical services, electrical products, cloths, gadgets or devices as offered by biased conflicted in interest EMF consultants that we know have little to no value while overlooking real dangers factors. Unknown to amateur “butter knife” meter readers many of their offerings actually increase EMF risks and that may result in death.
Also unknown to the new overnight “EMF consultants” with their self posted and reciprocal Google reviews from their family, friends and cohorts there are many EMF related exposure sources unknown to them.



SPECIAL NOTE: We have EMF EMR risk surveyed in New York City for over 20 years. On many occasions our clients/patients continued to experience EMF or 5G health effects moved out of a new home or rental based upon our findings after amateur non New York City licensed consultants said their homes were safe. We are electronics and communications engineers, doctors and lawyers that have defined this practice for over 20 years ago.


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Systems on roof tops and local buildings are commonly present. When proximate to habitable areas our licensed technical and medical experts perform specialized technical clinically based exposure safety studies for EMF exposure emission levels. Special notice for Manhattan and Brooklyn that now have new sources and regulations in effect relating to new 5G installations for elements of the EMF spectrum you must be mindful of that are part of newly developed specialized carcinogenic clinical risk analysis that only we have identified and reported.

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For apartment EMF – 2 3 4 5G EMF levels


Our EMF-RF engineering technologists have industry knowledge, experience and information for EMF testing that is not available to the public that is required for the highly complex EMF risk assessment and reporting in New York City and New Jersey

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Westchester Dutchess Putnam Rockland County Hudson River Valley known for cluster of Down Syndrome has many complex confidential EMF areas only know to and identifiable by in such areas as our experienced experts having internal information about such locations from our history of studies.

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EMF EMR EMI RFR HV MW exposure the NYC – Metro NJ PA Tri – state AREA. Some areas with highly elevated levels.

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Midtown Manhattan NYC with over 1,000 EMR emission sources 2G 3G 4G now 5G

New York EMF testing health effects of emf

Lower Hudson Jersey City Hoboken the Amboys

Buy EMF testing meter

Brooklyn, Queens,Nassau, Bronx,Staten Island, Long Island to the Hamptons

Indoor EMF sources may also include Smart Meters – these meters collect electricity, water, oil or gas usage and transmit this information to the distribution company. Generally safe.

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Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, Staten Island for EMF and 5G


We have seen numerous cases where EMF radiation testing revealed extreme risk exposure, in nearly all cases the occupants vacated immediately (recently 2 nurses in Staten Island) and symptoms were relieved. Our civil and criminal forensic experts will report the risks present and their direct clinical symptomatology. Note: every site has it’s own unique risk presence. If it is about your health speak to our integrated medcial expert.

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Many NYC rooftop gardens have 4-5G installation-our experts must be called when such are present. Look for exposure / warning signs leave immediately if present. The effects may be instant or delayed.

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Our licensed experts have studied over 300 schools in NY CT NJ PA DE & WV for such exposure risks. School classrooms, computer rooms, and play yards are of highest concern due to the most vulnerable ages of those exposed. Spectral subClinical- electraEMF routinely identify risk sources EMF unrecognized by industry and certainly not by amateurs.

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Spectral – electraEMF scientists (epidemiologists – Imperial College London) fully understand the neurological effect on the brain, inter/intra cellular, biomolecular signaling, and tissue response. Spectral’s electaEMF™ technical medical experts fully recognize symptoms associated with exposure far beyond what is published as testifying expert in our court cases as witnesses.


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Our scientific board/associates includes MDs, clinical forensic toxicologists, immunologists and other medical professionals.
Autism Spectrum Disorders have been rising more so in Vernon, New Jersey and New York’s Hudson River Valley . Highest exposure risk are from conception to 5 years-and many many other critical factors. Females are at greater risk for breast, ovarian, pancreatic cancers with extension to the males testicular and prostate. Many at home may have 24×7 exposure when exposed to EMF emission from related office systems are also at risk. Ask about your health concerns to determine if one of our EMF medical experts is needed to perform a clinical risk exposure and on site survey for you. Contact by eMail EMFMedicalExpert@Gmail.Com or call 347-491-9867 for clinical-medical guidance in case of an exposure presence for free consultation.


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Children must avoid prolonged activity in the presence of high EMF levels. Questionable areas do exist.

Highest risk is to newborns and children..


We have studied schools in the Hudson River Valley for EMF with many unknown and unrecognizable sources identified only by us have been reported.

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EMF sources are all different and must be fully understood for testing and exposure risk assessment. Extensive presence in south central New Jersey and coastal areas. Yes, there are many clandestine emission sources.


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Our medical experts will explain the details EMF Health risk assessments and that they are complex and require high levels of electromagnetic technical academics, related experience along with medical and clinical integrations for any meaningful exposure assessments. The most critical and complex EMF radiation sources and their effects are unknown nor recognized by lay EMF NYC NY NJ PA consultants”.

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EMF sources are often concealed behind bushes, trees, vegetation and fake structures like chimneys – after you are shown a property, for purchase, it is advisable for you to return on your own, then privately and look carefully about the area again and near your children’s school areas. Call us if any potential EMF emission source is present.

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EMF near substation presence with warning signs tell little of the actual risk that may be present in nearly all cases. Risk is far more than just voltage.

Spectral Analytical Sciences Full Desktop Site